Stay Ahead of Package Thieves, Regardless of the Season

From defeating package thieves to getting some cash back, Edison Mail is here to save the day.

  • Worried about package thieves? Trying to keep track of your holiday expenses? Edison Mail has you covered through our various Assistant features.

’Tis the season to spend money, or however the song goes. This is the time of year for more. More holiday parties, more gift exchanges, more sales, more everything that requires spending money. This is the time of year where budgets fly out the window, and you start to spend more than you thought you would. This is especially true with the rise of online shopping. After all, braving the cold, fighting long lines, and buying all your holiday gifts in-store? That’s so 2010. Welcome to holiday shopping in 2019, where you can spend a small fortune on gifts for the holidays without ever leaving your house (or your bed).

But nothing is ever as ideal as it seems. With the rise in online shopping, we’ve also seen a rise in package thieves — especially this time of year. In fact, according to C+R Research, 36% of Americans have had a package stolen. Beyond the issue of package thieves, trying to keep track of all the money spent can be a major hassle as well. New research from Goldman Sachs shows that 67% of Americans consider the winter holiday season to be the most financially stressful time of the year. Luckily, Edison Mail has some solutions to help you stay on top of your expenses and packages this holiday season.

Outsmart package thieves

Package thieves have become more common, especially in these holiday months where they know that people are making many of their online purchases. There’s been plenty of advice given in the last few years to deter package thieves. The advice runs from high tech through the use of front door security cameras, to simply mailing packages to the homes of friends who don’t seem to have an issue with thieves.

Edison Mail’s favorite brand of security however, is the use of our Package Assistant. Our Assistant tool provides you with information about your upcoming packages from an easy to view screen. This screen lets you know what items are in each delivery package, the carrier, order number, date that you placed the order, and even gives you the ability to one-tap track the package. Beyond that, we’ll show you reminders the day your package is supposed to arrive, and we’ll even let you know when the package has been delivered. That way you know what to look out for, and when.

Keep track of your expenses

Sometimes it’s just hard to keep track of how much you’ve been spending. Between the dozens of sales at your favorite stores, to all the Venmo requests from friends after get-togethers, your credit card statement can start looking like a game of Clue.

Luckily, Edison Mail also has you covered on this front. To keep you from having to download an expense tracking app, we aggregate your expenses (for which you received an e-receipt for) in a handy tab. From your Bills & Receipts Assistant, see at a glance all the online shopping, Venmo receipts, even food delivery orders you’ve been making recently. Each of these cards includes further details about each purchase — when the purchase occurred, the cost breakdown of every item, and even the order number.

Maybe get yourself a buck or two back

You’re buying lots of items during holiday sales, but you can’t always be sure that those are the lowest prices. Enter, Price Alert. Price Alert is a feature of Edison Mail that ensures that you can get the lowest price possible from retailers that participate in price matching. These retailers include big names such as Bed Bath & Beyond, Old Navy, Best Buy, Macy’s, Target, Nike, and more. What happens is once you make a purchase at one of these retailers and receive an e-receipt for the purchase, Price Match will go into effect and begin monitoring the prices of the items you purchased. If the price drops by more than a dollar, our app will send you an alert and provide you with a pre-filled out an email requesting some money back. All you need to do is press send.

The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year, but it can also be incredibly stressful. That’s why we’re happy to say that now and always, we have your back.



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